Google Glasses

There are some key moments in life when you suddenly realise that what you thought was the distant future is now just around the corner. This is one, so prepare yourselves. A couple of days ago, Google revealed that it is prototyping those glasses. You know the ones. The ones that they wear in every science fiction film you’ve ever seen, and in every dream you’ve ever had about the future. The ones with the display. The above video charts a day in the (nauseatingly ukulele-centric) life of a New York hipster wearing the Google glasses. Controlled by voice and movement, with one small transparent display set just above the right eye the glasses allow the wearer to stay constantly connected to the web, getting instant access to information and communication without having to lift a finger. Get a map and directions overlaid on your field of vision; take a photo of what you are seeing and just say the word to share it online; even share your view in real time via a video call. The possibilities of this technology are boundless — but it will still not enable you to play the ukulele, so your hands won’t be totally useless. The Google glasses were developed at the Google X lab, the top-secret facility where the world’s top engineers let their imaginations run wild on ideas like the driverless car and the space elevator. Although still an early prototype, the Google glasses have already been sighted on the face of founder, Sergey Brin, and with the might of the technology giant behind them some commentators believe they could be in the shops within a year.

 Sergey Brin wearing the Google glasses

For all their utopian plus points though, some think the glasses could do more harm than good. Here’s Tom Scott‘s take on what a day wearing the glasses might look like:


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