Amazing Tree Restaurant in Thailand – Soneva Kiri Resort

Amazing Tree Restaurant in Thailand - Soneva Kiri Resort
Amazing Tree Restaurant in Thailand - Soneva Kiri Resort

Today we display amazing greenery photography for you. All the photographs of this post are taken at Soneva Kiri Resort, Thailand. Guests have the option to dine in a lofty woven tree pod perched 16 feet above the ground. Guests are also offered the option to ride in electric carts and bicycles on their way to this resort instead of in cars.

Amazing Tree Restaurant in Thailand - Soneva Kiri Resort
Amazing Tree Restaurant in Thailand - Soneva Kiri Resort
Amazing Tree Restaurant in Thailand - Soneva Kiri Resort
Amazing Tree Restaurant in Thailand - Soneva Kiri Resort
Amazing Tree Restaurant in Thailand - Soneva Kiri Resort
Amazing Tree Restaurant in Thailand - Soneva Kiri Resort
Amazing Tree Restaurant in Thailand - Soneva Kiri Resort


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